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Pheenyx was part of our year 8 program at Roscommon School in 2021. Here is a portfolio of her best and most favourite images.
E ngā iwi, e ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā whānau kei roto i ngā kura auraki huri noa i te motu, tēnā rā koutou katoa. Tēnā hoki koutou e hāpai nei i tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira, arā, ko te reo Māori, te reo tangata whenua. E kore e mutu ngā mihi. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. Kia ora. Ko Pheenyx ahau. Ko 12 toku pakeke. Ko Azaalia tōku rāua ko William ōku mātua, Ko Khasius tōku tungāne. E kuraina au i te rumaki reo o He Pua Mai i Rangiātea.
I enjoy sports, painting, listening to music, reading, and taking photos. I love photography because I know that photos hold lots of rare  and cherished moments. I love that I can print my memories and hold them close. I am inspired by land, the beach, living or pretty things in nature. The most challenging part for me when I am out taking photos, is trying to keep the camera lens focused on the subject. I would really love to have my own book printed and learn more about how to edit my photos so that I can explore different special effects. Taking photos can lead to a serious career, but even if I don’t do it as a professional, I can still do photography for a hobby. If you are just starting out, definitely enjoy the outdoors and have fun.
Ngā mihi nui

"Pheenyx has captured some amazing photographs in the short time she had with our program. She has a great eye for composition and is patient and hard working. We hope to see more of her work in the coming years! Keep up the good work, Pheenyx!"

- Tushar

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