Anuke Ranaweera
Anuke is an year 7 student at Remuera Intermediate School (2022). He enjoys photography and participated in our Borrow a camera, Tell a story program. Here is a portfolio of his best and most favourite images.
My name is Anuke. I am 11 years old. I have 3 brothers, two younger than me, one older than me. I like photography, cars and their physics, and I like drawing and building things with Lego. I like photography because I can capture the moment and all the beautiful scenes that nature provides us. I like to use photography to show others a different perspective of otherwise normal objects and things and give them a new unseen perspective to explore. The most challenging part when I'm taking photos is keeping my picture steady with minimal blur while keeping the subject of the photo nice and bright. I'm currently involved in making stop motion clips with Die cast cars and Hot wheels. With the weather warming and the summer just around the corner, i am looking forward to taking photos of the wonderful colours and life that nature will put on show for us.
My advice to other young photographers is: Don't be afraid, give it a go and you might even surprise yourself with what you can achieve with a bit of creativity and loads of imagination.
"Anuke has demonstrated his unique creative vision through his photography. One of his photographs was shortlisted for the Auckland Photo Day public voting competition and he has produced many lovely images through this program. Keep up the good work, Anuke!"
- Tushar